December 22, 2023

IVR in Ecommerce for Seamless Shopping with Use Cases

IVR in Ecommerce for Seamless Shopping with Use Cases

As stated by a 2021 report by KPMG, 

"The Indian e-commerce sector has been on an upward growth trajectory in the past few years and is expected to reach INR 9.5 trillion by 2025 with a CAGR of 26%, according to industry research. This rapid ascent has been driven by the twin tailwinds of rising internet penetration and a perceptible shift in consumer behaviour towards online shopping."

Further the report also enunciates,

"Research also indicates that India has added about 80 million online shoppers in the last three years alone, which is a testament to e-commerce’s rising popularity."

First, let us understand 

Top 5 IVR trends in e-commerce 

Voice Biometrics

Voice biometrics recognises and validates a caller's identification based on their distinctive voice traits. Voice biometrics can enhance security, convenience, and personalisation for callers and businesses.
It can also eliminate the need for callers to remember passwords or provide security answers. Additionally, it can help businesses customise their services and promotions based on the characteristics and preferences of the caller.

Adaptable Approach

Multichannel integration is the IVR systems' ability to connect and work with other modes of communication such as mobiles, social media, chat, email, and video. This can help businesses collect and analyse data from different sources and improve their performance and strategy.

Visual IVR

Visual IVR is the merging of graphical components with the IVR interface. For example, In IVR script that includes pictures, movies, maps, forms, and menus. 

With more options, data, and feedback, visual IVR can improve the caller's experience and engagement. Alternatively, the number of steps or prompts are reduced that help in streamlining navigation and boosting customer satisfaction.

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence is used in conversational AI or chatbots to initiate natural conversations between callers and IVR systems. 

Conversational AI detects the caller's intent, context, and emotions to provide suitable responses through,

- Natural language processing (NLP)

- Natural language understanding (NLU)

- Natural language generation (NLG)

- Machine learning (ML)

AI can improve customer satisfaction, loyalty, and retention with personal and emotional interactions, Cloud-based IVR services provided through the internet or software instead of on-premise gear or hardware is known as cloud-based IVR. 

IVR hosted on cloud can help businesses secure scalability, flexibility, cost-effectiveness, dependability, and security. 

For example, cloud-based IVR can make it simple for businesses to modify their features to meet changing customer demands without changing their IVR systems physically.

Number Masking

The private phone numbers of those taking part in a voice call or text message chat are hidden using masked phone numbers. For the sake of your clients' privacy and the confidentiality of their personal information, especially while delivering orders, as well as that of your staff members, it is crucial to mask phone numbers.

IVR's Role in Elevating Customer Service for Online Businesses and D2C ventures 

On-call Orders

- Enable virtual or toll-free numbers to let your customers order on call. Integrate SMS to auto-send payment or other links.

- Confirmation of cash on delivery.

- Utilise automated on-call systems to confirm COD orders and reduce returns. 

Missed Call Advertising

Utilise creative missed call marketing to engage your audience. For instance, if a missed call is placed to you, your clients will receive an SMS with the current offer.

Voice and SMS marketing campaigns

- Run automated voice and SMS marketing campaigns to promote deals and monitor ROI with call analytics.

- Management of a brand

- Ensure client recognition of your brand by confirming your number and utilizing Truecaller

- Integration to make your calls stand out.


Use WhatsApp for OTPs to create social media accounts and quickly answer your clients' questions with 1-on-1 conversational assistance or execute WhatsApp marketing.

For monitoring your employees' measurements and performance, utilize real-time reporting.

IVR use cases in E-commerce and other D2C businesses

Problem Statement

A premium retail brand should focus on criteria like customer satisfaction and experience. This is the rationale behind the thorough tracking and auditing of customer calls.

However, many e-commerce businesses are unable to keep track of how many calls their store managers make to customers.

Many times these businesses also lack a centralised dashboard to monitor the status or rating of feedback calls made by store employees.

The Solution

With the help of the call management feature in your IVR system, your team can direct phone calls to customers. 

A unified view of all calls made by your sales and customer care personnel is provided to the business through syncing with the central call management dashboard. 

With an integrated dashboard businesses can track the calls made by store employees per day. They can also audit the calls in terms of their quality by performing routine checks on call recordings.

Problem statement

E-commerce businesses require a contemporary and efficient method to improve the convenience of their hiring process.

Thousands of employment applications are submitted in response to job postings the company has made for various states and departments.

Sorting through these possible candidates and making touch with each of them was a difficult procedure for their HR team. 

To lessen the workload of its HR executives, businesses need to streamline their screening process.

The Solution

With the Virtual mobile number (VMN), a central number can be shared across all job posting platforms. 

The multi-level IVR allows adding state names to notify open positions.

API connectivity enables advanced-level connection with CSV sheets. This sheet is continuously updated with the contact information and the state or keypad that has been chosen.

Key Results:

- Easy access to pertinent data

- An increase in on-call conversation time between the candidate and HR expert enhances the candidate's experience.

- The hiring team receives the applicant list state by state.

- Equal distribution of applicants among the regional members of the HR team

- Real-time updates and efficient call transfer

- A substantial improvement in the manual task-handling process in HR

Problem Statement

Staff members receive numerous calls from customers throughout India. With only a basic landline phone number, managing the operations of many retail locations is a difficult task.

When a business invests in marketing through numerous channels, it generates a significant number of leads that any conventional phone system would be unable to handle.

Customers often use multiple channels to contact a business, requiring effective communication from specialists across various platforms which makes a basic landline system insufficient.

The Solution 

Different virtual numbers for each location ensure that all incoming calls to these stores are forwarded to the appropriate store manager. To decrease unanswered calls, they can be forwarded to a centralised department.

The IVR can play a customised audio welcome when a customer contacts their toll-free number and asks them to dial their pin code, based on which the call can be forwarded to the caller's nearest retail location.

Missed call marketing solution allows missed call numbers to publicise through various marketing campaigns and platforms. Every time one of their customers leaves a missed call on the specified number, the business can schedule a callback.

Problem statement

Due to the extensive online and offline advertising for their customer support number, many reputed brands receive thousands of calls every day. 

Due to the lack of automated or distributed call handling, they can miss numerous consumer calls. Many times they need the data regarding their missed calls that would have qualified as a follow-up contact.

Without automation, calls are manually transferred which decreases productivity and customer satisfaction.

The Solution

Inclusive IVR features enable quicker issue resolution, reduce manual call transfers, increase on-call deals and closures, and prompt follow-up on unreturned calls. Real-time call tracking is possible through call recording.


IVR services in e-commerce can improve customer satisfaction, reduce processes, and lead to higher sales. 

This technology enables e-commerce businesses to offer personal and effective client interactions, enabling callers to easily access relevant information and increase purchases. 

It also provides 24/7 support along with reducing wait times. IVR can help e-commerce companies provide better customer service, encourage loyalty.

IVR services assist e-commerce businesses in managing call volumes by directing customers to appropriate departments or self-service options.

Regular queries can be handled without live involvement, reducing costs and increasing staff productivity.

Additionally, e-commerce businesses can learn more about the tastes and behaviour of their customers with IVR analytics. 

These insights can help with strategic decision-making for things like marketing campaign optimisation, product recommendation customization, and customer journey optimisation.

IVR services enable e-commerce companies to accomplish both goals by providing individualised, effective, and educational encounters. 

For more information on IVR services for your ecommerce business, connect with Alohaa now. You can also book your free demo to assess how our IVR service can benefit your company. 
